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About dance, Fireflies.._edited.jpg

About dance, Fireflies and the end of the world as we know it (2019)

A poetic dance lecture on the Utility of the Useless.

A dance performance and a Ted-talk in one linking Dance to the crisis of Modern times to the end of the world as we know it.

"I was struck by the great substantive eloquence of Sandra's work. She is able to make a visual and strong whole that really makes you think,

which for me indicates a special talent for making dance that is in demand."                    

- Tom Helmer, dramaturg Theater Bellevue (Amsterdam)


Choreography: Sandra Kramerová

Text: Jordi Ribot Thunnissen

Performers: Anastasia Kostner, Sandra Kramerová, Jordi Ribot Thunnissen

Pictures: Sjoerd Derine

Trailer: Álvaro Congosto

Length: 45 minutes

Performances: Frascati, CC Amstel, Amsterdam Fringe Festival, Theater de Generator, Theater aan de Schie, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (NL) 2019

Supported by AFK and made in co-production with Theater de Generator


© Sandra Kramerová ~ Theatre of moving Bodies 

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